00 27/04/2018 20:17
Tutti a cantare

“Better wear a cup cause I’m gonna jab your nuts
I’ll jab your nuts all the way up to your guts
Yeah, because of me
AJ can’t have any more kids
You also better watch out for my dangerous knee

After my nutshot your nuts will feel tinglish
Oops, sorry, I don’t speak English
Yeah, when my arm goes into your nuts
Say bye to your wife cause you won’t be able to bust

Time to punch some nuts
up to your guts
Repeat x6

Yeah you’re too emotional
You need a low blow
Yeah, no one’s nuts on SmackDown are safe
Better protect yourself and run away
or you get a knee to face

When I punch your balls
Everyone’s face is left in awe
I punch so much nuts it should be against the law
And once I bust your nuts then I’ll break your bloody jaw

Time to punch some nuts
up to your guts
Repeat x6”