00 30/12/2014 16:34
Dai oh, ti mancan due giorni e poi magari ci lasci, lascia perdere.

Comunque, la versione tl;tr

Whilst filming the Patagonia Special in Southern Argentina the Top Gear became entangled in a controversy regarding the number plate displayed by Jeremy's Porsche: H982 FKL. The Argentinians claimed that the plate was a reference to the Falklands War of 1982, a sensitive topic in Ushuaia. Clarkson had swapped the number plate for an alternative - H1 VAE - before entering Argentina from Chile. The Top Gear crew had planned to film a car-based football match between England and Argentina in Ushuaia as the finale to the special but were banned from filming in the town by the Argentinian government. While filming at a ski resort in Tierra del Fuego the crew encountered a group of local protestors who told them to leave the country. The crew abandoned their vehicles on the slopes and retreated to a hotel in Ushuaia. More demonstrators were waiting at their hotel and the presenters and crew were forced to hide inside. After the Argentinians began to enter the hotel the decision was made to evacuate Jeremy, James, Richard, and other significant figure heads from the country. The remaining crew members were forced to drive to the Chilean border in the cars used by the presenters along with other production vehicles, with a police escort. The convoy encountered another group of protestors in a town outside of Ushuaia who had blocked the road with a lorry. Bricks, bottles, and pick-axe handles were flung at the cars; the attack was captured on video. Further along the crew received word that an ambush was set up in Rio Grande, a town the convoy needed to travel through in order to reach the Chilean border. The convoy was pursued by the Argentinians who attempted to herd them into Rio Grande. The production crew decided to abandon the three sports cars at the side of the road and headed off-road to the border instead. The crew managed to lose their pursuers and were forced to ford a river to cross into Chile.