00 16/04/2020 12:40
Intanto il Monday Night Asskisser non perde l'occasione per regalarci un'altra perla delle sue:

“One thing I am seeing that is a little upsetting to me is all the negativity and hostility towards WWE,” the former WWE Universal Champion said. “This is a difficult day for everyone. For all of us. If there was ever a moment for us to unify, for us to ban together and try to do the best we can to keep this business alive the best we know how, this is that moment. I think pointing fingers or saying you should’ve done this or that … it’s not the time or place for it. This is the time for compassion and empathy and understanding to try to support each other. That’s for everybody. That’s not just for the guys and girls that got let go, but all of us that are still able to have a position where we can collect a paycheck and support those that love us. We have to take it upon ourselves to make it so those that had a worse day can come back to [a career]. We can rally around the idea that this is only temporary.”
